Bei Mir Bist Du Schön
Words & Music by Jacob Jacobs & Sholom Secunda, 1929
English version by sammy Cahn & Saul Chaplin
Recorded by The Andrews Sisters, 1938
Intro Verse:
B7 Em Am Cdim B7
Of all the boys I've known, and I've known some
Cdim Em Am Cdim B7
Until I first met you, I was lonesome
Cdim Em B+ A Am7
And when you came in sight, dear, my heart grew light
Em Am B7
And this old world seemed new to me
B7 Em Am Cdim B7
You're really swell, I have to admit you
Cdim Em Am Cdim B7
Deserve expressions that really fit you
Cdim Em B+ A Am7
And so I've racked my brain, hoping to explain
B7 Cdim B7
All the things that you do to me
B7 Em Cdim Em Am7 Em Cdim Em B+
Bei mir bist du schön - please let me explain,
Em7 B7 Em
Bei mir bist du schön means that you're grand.
B7 Em Cdim Em Am7 Em Cdim Em B+
Bei mir bist du schön, again I'll explain,
Em7 B7 Em
It means you're the fairest in the land.
B+ Am Am+7
I could say, "Bella, bella,"
Am7 Em
Even say "voonderbar."
B+ Am Am+7 Cdim
Each language only helps me tell you
B7 Fdim B7
How grand you are.
B7 Em Cdim Em Am7 Em Cdim Em B+
I've tried to explain "bei mir bist du schön,"
Em7 B7 Em
So kiss me and say you understand.
B7 Em Cdim Em
Bei mir bist du schön,
Am7 B7 Em Cdim Am7 B7
You've heard it all before but let me try to explain
Cdim B7 Cdim B7 Cdim Em B+ Am7 B7
Bei mir bist du schön means that you're grand
B7 Em Cdim Em
Bei mir bist du schön,
Am7 B7 Em Cdim Am7 B7
It's such an old refrain and yet I should explain
Cdim B7 Cdim B7 Cdim Em Am7 Em
It means I am begging for your hand.
Repeat Bridge:
B7 Em Cdim Em Am7 Em Cdim Em B+
I've tried to explain "bei mir bist du schön,"
Em7 B7 Em
So kiss me and say you understand.
This chart replaces one that's been here for quite a while...but I hadn't realized how incomplete it was. Thanks to recent visitor Aidan Hodgers for letting me know that there was more of this song out there...and now it's
here, too.
And, ever in the slow group, I must have heard this song a hundred times before I realized that the first line was not "My dear Mister Shane."
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.