Easy To Love
Words & Music by Cole Porter
Recorded by Ray Noble, 1935
D D6 Em7 G/B
You'd be so easy to love,
F#m F#m7 G Gdim
So easy to idolize all others above,
G Gm D B7
So worth the yearning for,
G Gm D B7 Em7 A7
So swell to keep ev'ry home fire burning for.
D D6 Em7 G/B
You'd be so, grand at the game,
F#m F#m7 G Gdim
So carefree together that it does seem a shame
DM7 Dm6 A F#7
That you can't see your future with me,
F7 E7 G Em7 G/B A A7+5 E
'Cause you'd be, oh, so ea - sy to love!
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.