I Hear A Rhapsody
Words & Music by George Fragos, Jack Baker & Dick Gasparre
Recorded by Jimmy Dorsey, 1941 (#1)
F#7 Bm G A7+5 D DM7 B7
And when I hear you call so softly to me,
B7/F# Cdim Em7 Gdim Edim
I don't hear a call at all --
A7 Edim Gdim D
I hear a rhap - so - dy.
F#7 Bm G A7+5 D DM7 B7
And when your sparkling eyes are smiling at me,
B7/F# Cdim Em7 Gdim Edim
Then soft through a starry night
A7 Edim Gdim D G B7
I hear a rhap - so - dy.
E E7 F7 E7 Dm7 Dm6 Am
My days are so blue when you're away;
A C C#m7-5 F#
My heart longs for you, so won't you stay?
F#7 Bm G A7+5 D DM7 B7
My darling, hold me tight and whisper to me,
B7/F# Cdim Em7 Gdim Edim
Then soft through a starry night
A7 Edim Gdim D
I'll hear a rhap - so - dy.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.