Indian Summer
Words & Music by Al Dubin & Victor Herbert*
Recorded by Tommy Dorsey, 1940 (#1), vocal by Frank Sinatra
D Bb9 Em7 A7+5 D Bb9 Em7
Summer, you old Indian Summer,
A7 DM7 Fdim Em7 Edim
You're the tear that comes after Junetime's laughter.
Em7 A7 A7/6 Bm Bm7
You see so many dreams that don't come true,
G Bm7-5 E7 A7 Bm7-5 A7
Dreams we fashioned when Summertime was new.
A7+5 D Bb9 Em7 A7+5 D Bb9 Em7
You are here to watch over some heart that is broken
A7 D6 Fdim Em7 Edim G
By a word that somebody left unspoken.
A7 D D6 D B7 Em7 A7
You're the ghost of a romance in June going a - stray,
F#m7 B7 Em7 A7+5
Fading too soon, that's why I say,
D B7 Em7 A7+5 Fdim D
"Farewell to you Indian Sum - mer."
* Herbert wrong the music to this song in 1919 for piano, titling it "An American Idyll." Dubin added the lyric 20 years later, and Tommy Dorsey's orchestra recorded it the following year. Recording credit went to the Tommy Dorsey orchestra on Hit Parade lists; had it been recorded even a few years later, it would have carried Sinatra's name as the recording artist.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.