I Wanna Be Loved
Words & Music by Billy Rose, Eddie Heyman & Johnny Green
Recorded by Dinah Washington, 1950 (#22)
A Bm7-5 Fdim D6 Bm7 Gm7 Gdim
I wan - na be loved with in - spi - ra - tion,
A7sus4 Fdim DM7 F#7 B7
I wan - na be loved star - ting to - night;
Fdim A Edim A Em7/6 Em7 A9 A7/9
In - stead of mere - ly hold - ing con - ver - sa - tion,
Gdim A7sus4 D6 B7 G - G5 - A7
Hold me tight.
A7sus4 D6 Bm7 Gm7 Gdim
I wan - na be kissed un - til I tin - gle,
A7sus4 Fdim DM7 F#7 B7
I wan - na be kissed start - ing to - night;
Fdim A Edim A Em7/6 Em7 A9 A7/9
Em - brace til our heart - beats in - ter - min - gle,
G Gdim D G D DM7 D7
Wrong or right
G6 G/B A7
I feel like act - ing my age --
G6 G5 G/B Em7 DM7 D6 G D
I'm past the stage of mere - ly tur - tle - dov - ing
A7 G/B Bm Bm7
I'm in no mood to re - sist,
F#7 B7 G G/F# E7 Em7/9 Em7 G/B A7
And I in - sist the world owes me a lov - ing.
A7sus4 Fdim D6 Bm7 Gm7 Gdim
I wan - na be thrilled to des - per - a - tion,
A7sus4 Fdim DM7 F#7 B7
I wan - na be thrilled start - ing to - night.
Fdim A Edim A Em7/6 Em7 A9 A7/9 Gdim G
With ev' - ry kind of won - der - ful sen - sa - tion, yeah,
Gdim A7+5 D
I wan - na be loved.
Suggested by frequent visitor and contributor Bob A.
According to information posted on Lyrics World:
The Andrews Sisters had a # 1 hit with "I Wanna Be Loved" 20 years after
the song was first introduced, with their March 30, 1950 recording backed by Gordon Jenkins & His Orchestra. Also charted in 1950 by Billy Eckstine (#7); Hugo Winterhalter (# 11); Dinah Washington (#22); Dottie O'Brien (#23); and Jan Garber (#28). Washington's version is credited here because it's what I used as an audio source.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.