I Wanna Be Around
Words & Music by Johnny Mercer & Sadie Vimmerstedt
Recorded by Tony Bennett, 1963
C C9 C Cdim
I wanna be around to pick up the pieces
Dm7 Edim Dm7 G7
When somebody breaks your heart,
Dm7 Edim Dm7 G9 C Cdim Dm7 G7
When somebody twice as smart as I. *
BbM7 AM7 BbM7 A7
A somebody who will swear to be true,
Dm A7 Dm Dm+7 Dm7 Dm6
LIke you used to do with me,
D D7 Dm Dm7 G7
Who'll leave you to learn that mis'ry loves company,
Wait and see!
C C9 C Cdim
I wanna be around to see how he does it,
Dm7 Edim Dm7 G7
When he breaks your heart to bits;
Cdim Dm7 Edim Dm7 F E7 Bm7-5 Fdim E7
Let's see if the puzzle fits so fine.
Bm7-5 A7 Bm7-5 A7
That's when I'll discover that revenge is sweet,
D9 D7 D9 D7
As I sit there applauding from a front row seat
Dm Dm7
When somebody breaks your heart
Dm7-5 G7/6 C Edim Dm7 G G+
Like you broke mine.
(Instrumental interlude -- 1st 3 lines of verse)
Bm7-5 A7 Bm7-5 A7
That's when I'll discover that revenge is sweet,
D9 D7 D9 D7
As I sit there applauding from a front row seat
Dm Dm7
When somebody breaks your heart
Dm7-5 G7/6 C Fdim G CM7
Like you, like you broke mine.
* Bennett actually sings this line as "SOME somebody twice as smart as I" but what you're seeing here is how I got used to doing it (wrong, no doubt) for whatever reason. Old habits are hard to break.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.