Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me
Words & Music by Sidney Clare & Con Conrad
Recorded by Pearl Bailey, 1961
A D9 A Cdim B7 Cdim B7
Ma, he's making eyes at me,
E7 Cdim E7 Cdim AM7 Bm7-5 AM7 E7
Ma, he's awful nice to me.
A6 A Cdim A E7 Fdim E7/9
Ma, he's al - most breaking my heart -
E7/9 Fdim Bm7-5 E7
I'm be - side him,
A F#m Bm7-5 Fdim E7
Mercy let his conscience guide him.
A D9 A Cdim B7 Cdim B7
Ma, he wants to mar - ry me,
E D9 C#7
Be my honey bee;
A F#m Bm7-5 E7
Every minute he gets bolder,
A F#m D9 Cdim
Now he's leaning on my shoulder -
D Cdim E7 A D9 A
Ma, he's kissing me.
Adapated from an arragement found at MidNiteSun Jazz & Blues site (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/pecw2k2/midnitesun/otherhtm/framset1.htm)
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.