(Everybody's Waiting For)
The Man With The Bag
Words & Music by Dudley Brooks, Hal Stanley & Irv Taylor
Recorded by Kay Starr, 1950
G D9 G7 C
Old Mr. Kringle, is soon gonna jingle,
G D7 Cdim G Am7 G
The bells that'll tinkle all your troubles a - way
C C/B Cdim D7 G B7 E7
Ev' - ry - bod - y's waitin' for the man with the bag,
Bm7-5 C Am7 D9 Cdim G D7
'Cause Christ - mas is com - in' a - gain.
G D9 G7 C
He's got a sleigh - full, that's not gonna stay full
G D7 Cdim G Am7 G
He's got stuff to drop at ev' - ry stop on the way
C C/B Cdim D7 G B7 E7
Ev' - ry - bod - y's waitin' for the man with the bag,
Bm7-5 C Am7 D9 Cdim G G7
'Cause Christ - mas is com - in' a - gain.
G7 Fdim C Am7 Cdim D7
He'll be here, with the answers to the prayers
C Am7 D9 Cdim G
That you made through the year
G7 Fdim C Am7
You'll get yours
C C/B Am7 D9 Am7 D7 D7 Am7 D9
If you've done ev' - ry - thing you should, ex - tra spec - ial good.
D7 G D9 G7 C
He'll make this De - cem - ber, the one you'll re - mem - ber,
G D7 Cdim G Am7 G
The best and the mer - ri - est you ev - er did have
C C/B Cdim D7 G B7 E7
Ev' - ry - bod - y's waitin' for the man with the bag,
G Em C Cdim G
Christ - mas is here a - gain!
G G9 G G9 C C/B Am7 Cdim
Old Mr. Kringle, is soon gonna jingle all the
G Am7 G D9 G7alt Am7 G7
323000 320001
Bells that'll tinkle all your troubles a - way
C C/B Cdim D7 G B7 E7 G/B
Ev' - ry - bod - y's waitin' for the man with the bag,
C Am7 D9 Cdim G G7
Christ - mas is here a - gain.
C7 C7/G | C7 C7/G |
Ev' - ry - bod - y's waitin'
G B7 | E7 |
They're all con - gre - ga - tin'
C Am7 D9 Cdim G G7 C Cm AM7 Cdim G
Wait - in' for the man with the bag.
Requested by a recent visitor.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.