Tea For Two
Words & Music by Irving Caeser & Vincent Youmans, 1924
Recorded by Doris Day, 1950*
D A7 Dalt G6 G5
I'm discontented with homes that are rented,
G6 D Em7 A7 D D+
So I have invented my own;
Bm F#7 Bm7 Edim
Darling, this place is a lover's oasis,
Bm F#7 Bm
Where life's weary chase is unknown.
Em7 A7 D
Far from the cry of the city,
F#m7 Edim G D Em7 A7
Where flowers pretty caress the streams,
D A7 D6 G
Cozy to hide in, to live side by side in,
A7 D Em7 A7 D
Don't let it abide in my dreams.
Em7 A7 Em7 A7
Pic - ture you up - on my knee,
DM7 D6 DM7 D6
Jut Tea for two and two for tea;
Em7 A7 Em7 A7 D D6
Just me for you and you for me a - lone.
G#m7 C#7 G#m7 C#7
No - bod - y near us to see us or hear us,
F# F#6 F# F#6
No friends or re - la - tions on week - end va - ca - tions,
G#m7 C#7 G#m7 C#7 F# Fm7
We won't have it known, dear, that we own a tel - e - phone, dear;
Em7 A7 Em7 A7
Day will break, and you'll a - wake,
DM7 D6 DM7 D6
And start to bake a su - gar cake;
Em7 A7 Em7 A7 B7 Gdim B7
For me to take for all the boys to see.
Em F#m7 B+ B7
We will raise a fam - i - ly,
Cdim Em Gm A7
A boy for you, a girl for me,
G A7 Em7 A7 D
Oh, can't you see how hap - py we would be?
*This song has been recorded over 900 times, as everything from a cha-cha to a ballad, by jazz musicians and pop artists and probably Murphy's dog. In my original chart, I had synthesized several of them, citing Doris Day in my attribution mainly because I liked her voice. After recently watching "Tea For Two" on a classic movie channel, and having heard Day and Gordon MacRae do the entire song, intro verse and all, there's no question in my mind that this attribution is entirely appropriate.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.