That Sunday That Summer
Words & Music by George David Weiss & Joe Sherman
Recorded by Nat King Cole, 1963 (#12)
AM7 C#m7 D9 Dm6 E7 AM7/9 AM7
If I had to choose just one day
C#m7 Cm7 D9
To last my whole life through,
AM7 C#m7 D9 Dm6 E7 AM7/9 AM7
It would sure - ly be that Sun - day,
Dalt Dm7(IV) Gdim
The day that I met you.
Dalt D D6 BbM7alt Dm+7 Dm6
New - born whip - poor - wills were cal - ling from the hills;
AM7 D9 Bm7-5 AM7
Sum - mer was a - com - ing in but fast.
Dalt D D6 BbM7alt Dm+7 Dm6
Lots of daf - fo - dils were show - ing off their skills,
AM7 F#m
Nod - ding all to - geth - er,
AM7 F#m
I could al - most hear them whis - per,
AM7 F#m Dm7(IV) C#m7 D Fdim
"Go on, kiss her, go on and kiss her."
AM7 C#m7 D9 Dm6 E7 AM7/9 AM7
If I had to choose one mo - ment
C#m7 Cm7 D9
To live with - in my heart,
AM7 C#m7 D9 Dm6 AM7/9 AM7
It would be that ten - der mo - ment
A A(V) G#7 C#m7 D
Re - cal - ling how we star - ted;
Dalt D Dm6 C#m7 AM7 F#7
Darling, it would be when you smiled at me
D D6 Dm6 E7 AM7/9 AM7
That way, that Sun - day, that sum - mer.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.