You Light Up My Life
Words & Music by Joe Brooks
Recorded by Debby Boone, 1977 (#1 for 10 weeks)
Dm G C Am
So many nights I'd sit by my window
Bm7 E7 E7sus4 E7 A7
Waiting for someone to sing me his song.
Dsus4 D D9 G C C/B Am
So ma - ny dreams I kept deep in - side me
B7 D7 Am7 D7
Alone in the dark but now you've come a - long.
G G7
And you light up my life
E7 E7sus4 E7 Am
You give me hope to car - ry on
Am7 A7sus4 Am7 D7 Am7 D7 Am7 G B7 Em Am7 D9
You light up my days and fill my nights with song.
Dm G C Am
Rollin' at sea a-drift on the waters
Bm7-5 E7 Bm7-5 E7 E7sus4 E7 A7
Could it be finally I'm turn - ing for home?
Dsus4 D D9 G C C/B Am
Fin - 'ly a chance to say "Hey! I love you"
B7 D Am7 D7
Never again to be all a - lone
Repeat Refrain:
G G7
And you light up my life
Bm7-5 E7 E7sus4 E7 Am
You give me hope to car - ry on
Am7 A7sus4 Am7 D7 Am7 D7 Am7 B7 Em
You light up my days and fill my nights with song.
A G B7 Em B+ A
It can't be wrong when it feels so right
G Am D9 C Em7 Am7 G
'Cause you you light up my life.
*Suggested by recent visitor Bob Ashline.
This song is one of those somewhat uncommon cases where its own popularity worked against it in the long run. It was, as stated above, number one on the charts for ten weeks, and was on the charts longer than that -- seemingly almost forever. During its time on the charts, it was so over-played on radio stations that the public grew genuinely tired of hearing it. Because it did, it feel into disfavor (as happened to "Born Free") to such a degree that people even got to the point they didn't want to admit they had ever liked it enough to make it number one.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.