Can't find the song you're looking for, or can't remember who sang it? Maybe we can still help. Enter what you can remember in the search box below, select the search option of your choice, and then click the "search" button.
You can also use this search page to locate songs by a particular composer or lyricist.
PLEASE NOTE, this site is devoted to songs in the Pop Standards style. If you're looking for rock-era music, I can just about guarantee you will NOT find it here. Likewise if you're seeking songs recorded by a rock artist, you are likely to come up empty. Similarly, if you're looking for a song that was big in some country besides the USA but not in the USA itself, I can't offer much optimism. My specialty, and this site's focus, is American pop standards, mainly from the middle third of the 20th century. Search for other information if you wish, but don't be surprised if such a search returns nothing useful.
Search Tips
1. Your best bet is to use the "advanced" search option. This provides the greatest flexibility in allowing you to be as specific as your memory allows you to be.
2. CHECK YOUR SPELLING!!! Sorry to nag like your second grade teacher, but if you're looking for Frank Sinatra, you won't find him if you spell his name Sintra. I know, I know...my keyboard is illiterate, too...but the search engine is going to search for exactly the word you type...right or wrong.
The lyric and guitar chord transcriptions on this site are the work of The Guitarguy and are intended for private study, research, or educational purposes only. Individual transcriptions are inspired by and and based upon the recorded versions cited, but are not necessarily exact replications of those recorded versions.